Ways to Support Gifted Minority Students

  • Communicate high expectations.
  • Be sensitive to the experiences and beliefs of people from different cultural groups. Get to know all students and their cultures. Consider the challenges that students may face in school.
  • Continuously and firmly encourage students to go to college. Discuss the neccesary coursework, test, and other preparations with students and parents.
  • Create a multicultural learning environment and make sure the curriculum reflects a variety of cultures.
  • Help students connect with role models and mentors. Organize peer support groups for students with similar interest and abilities.
  • Reach out to parents and family members. Enlist their support in providing encouragements and high expectations.
  • Provide students with a variety of learning options. Create or select activities that are engaging, active, and grounded in reality.
  • Listen to students' concerns, fears, and beliefs about their experiences and their education.

When Gifted Kids don't have all the answers, by Jim Delisle & Judy Galbraith

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